It seems like kids these days are growing up way to fast and Carlie is no exception. I can't believe she is turning 9 next week. I got to thinking a few weeks ago about just how different she is from my other girls. I remember Brandi played babies and house probably until 6th or 7th grade and I remember when I was little I played Barbies and house or school probably until I was 13 or 14. With Carlie it is just different, I contribute it to being the baby and having older siblings as her role models. She is always with her older sisters, doing what they are doing, watching movies, hanging out & just being a mini teenager I guess you could say. I don't really know how it happened but she just kinda skipped a stage without me even realizing it. She had a friend spend the night a few weeks ago, which never happens, and I couldn't believe how well they got along and actually played together. They played Barbies, babies you name it and I couldn't get over how much she giggled. They had the best made me sad....sad that I had forgotten that she was only 8 and wasn't really experiencing the kind of childhood I thought she could be. Today I think kids are almost rushed to grow up, between the clothes and the T.V. shows, just about everything they are surrounded with is pushing them to grow up. I think it is my job as a mom to take some of that away, as much as I can, she is just a little girl and not for much longer. I want her to play dolls and school and as much as I dislike Barbies I want her to play with them. I want to hear that childlike obnoxious giggling and I don't want to ever forget it. So my pictures today are what reminded me that my little girl is growing up and it won't be long before she knows everything and those giggles turn into rolling eyes and a great big attitude. Trust me moms, it happens!