A lot has been going on since I posted my first entry. It is funny how once the 4th of July is over I feel like the summer is as well. I have been trying to keep my website updated, get 7 people ready for camp, the never ending laundry and I started my cognitive therapy last week. I was really hoping when my husband met her he would agree she was a nut and we could both run for the hills. But no.....he liked her. Go figure! So now I am stuck, not really sure what she is going to help me with but she sure doesn't like excuses and doesn't care if I like her or not. After listening to me she pretty much said...."TOUGH" we are going to learn to deal with the "new you" whatever that is. lol I will definitely keep everyone up to date, I think it could be an interesting ride.
I had a senior session and a kids session this past week. Both were so much fun....but very different. The senior was my second cousin Jason and he wanted nothing to do with getting his picture taken. After everything was said and done he finally admitted it was fun and not as painful as he had first thought.
The kids session was my cousin's twin boys...let me just say...ADORABLE! Little boys are so different from little girls. Since I only have 1 boy and he is 17 now I guess I forgot how energetic and quick they can be. I stayed the first night with their mom and them in the hospital right after they were born. They were so tiny then and just as precious. How quickly they grow! They did everything I asked and I couldn't have asked for anything else from 3 yr. old twins.
So, that pretty much wraps it up for now. Tomorrow I am going to enjoy a dip in the pool....some lemonade for sure...laundry of course, my afternoon nap and hopefully a few unexpected things that will make me smile!